Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Morning Routine

I went for another nice little run this morning. I wanted to keep it short and simple, as I am going for a ride tonight. Thank God it wasn't as thick and soupy as yesterday, which is odd, because it's supposed to be the worst day of the year: 100 degrees with high humidity. they say if you can live in Pennsylvania, you can live anywhere. Believe it.

When I returned home after my cool-down, I heard a noise in my Russian sage. My first thought? BUNNIEZ! Then I looked over and saw it was a bumblebee. I stopped and watched him for a moment, then another came, and another. "They're just going to work," I thought, and went inside to start my day.


Fishmagic said...

I was feeling what you were feeling this morning, but I didn't observe any bees or bunnies.

FishrCutB8 said...

the bunny you DON'T see is the scariest bunny of all...