Tuesday, September 01, 2009

LiveSTRONG 09: The Totals

So, just what exactly did Team Fish do this year? Here is an overview, by the numbers.

98.6 - Miles for the course
15,085 - Feet of climbing, over hill, over dale
7,998 - Calories burned, according to Kurt's Garmin (that's 4 days of foood for some people)
4 - Riders on Team Fish
6,300 - People who rode, ran or walked in Philadelphia
3,200,000+ - Dollars Raised in Philadelphia: Holy CARP!
41 - People who made contributions to me
4,190 - Dollars raised by TEAM FISH! THANK YOU!!!!!!

355 - Days left until we do it all again! Surely that's enough time for you to get yourself READY and into shape, SET your plans, and GO RIDE WITH US!!!!


Behr Whitewash said...

Epic struggle and entertaining documentary. Thanks for sharing.. Still considering being a part of Team Fish next year, though hopefully can find someone else to be on Team Guppie (Mr. Morgan?!)..

NVdK said...

I'm bglad I was a part of it. Hopefully I can be next yr as well. I may even wait for you :-)