Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's All Over But the Waiting

I went to the doctor for my eighteen-month checkup and eveything there checked out just fine. They also took blood and urine, to check for things like elevated white blood cell count and other tumor markers. On Friday I took the day off with Little Fish and went over for my CT Scan. The worst part of that experience was, of course, the barium cocktails you have to drink one and two hours before the test. They're doing something different with them now, though, where they have more of an orange-chalky taste, instead of a chalk-chalky taste. I suppose anything is an improvement. I find out all of my results, hopefully, this week.

More obligatory cat-related pictures for CT Scan Entry...

....and the one Little Fish picked out for my background....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

adorable. Gee...I just got done with a CT, abdominal,pelvic. Blood tests dont look good, that they send you home w/the pictures, I decided to search for a way to read them. ...Heh. I may be reaching too high and if I misread i'll really upset myself.
...Oh well, good luck to you, and your kitties are *adorable*. =)