Friday, November 16, 2007


So, the new job is kicking my butt. Which is not to say that I am not kicking right back. I want it to know with whom it chose to tangle. I've learned so much, but the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. I mean honestly, how complicated can the Yellow Pages be? Apparently pretty confusing.

In with all of that is a list of things I have accomplished and a list of things i have not done. I closed my first sale. I presented my first BIG sale (pending...) and I offfered my first Internet-based solution. All very exciting, but I can't wait to really get rolling.

On a personal side, I miss working out. I think I have run three or four times in two months. Lifted not at all. And my beloved Cannondale is sitting in the garage, wondering what she has done to offend me...nothing, dear girl. I get going pretty early in the morning, and when i get home I am wiped, so I just haven't made the time. And, the time I do have, I'd rather spend with my family. I make sure to spend my time with them. That being said, I'd really like get going with working out again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand. Life sometimes has a way of interfering with living; it will come around again.

In the meantime, if you want to live vicariously through someone else's experience, check out this story.