Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Gospel according to WHOM????

Early indications are that THIS is the Gospel according to Judas. One of the more amazing claims?
Craig Evans, a professor at Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, Canada, said New Testament explanations for Judas' betrayal range from money to the influence of Satan.

"Perhaps more now can be said," he commented. The document "implies that Judas only did what Jesus wanted him to do."

Apparently, this Gospel was mentioned by Bishop Irenaeus of Lyon about 180 AD, who stated the manuscript was a heretical document because it differed so drastically from mainstream Christianity. Until now, people believed the document was lost.
Elaine Pagels, a professor of religion at Princeton University, said, "The people who loved, circulated and wrote down these gospels did not think they were heretics."

In the understatement of the year...
Added Rev. Donald Senior, president of the Catholic Theological Union of Chicago: "Let a vigorous debate on the significance of this fascinating ancient text begin."

I'm certain "vigorous debate" doesn't even begin to explain what';s about to happen...

A second account of the story can be FOUND HERE.


Redlefty said...

"Fascinating" indeed! My friend over at

mentioned the same article and issue... can't wait to read more about it.

Time to pack for Little Rock!

Behr Whitewash said...

Grace is grace, however, actions are louder than words. His decision to end his life showed that while grace is offered, we must accept.

While not being a scholar in this area, I have to believe that his decision to end his life was a rejection of that offer.

(some may argue while hanging he may have repented, certainly possible)

Behr Whitewash said...

Let's call this what it really is. From the text shared, it is hardly 'good news' as the word 'Gospel' implies.. it sounds like it is 'all about Judas':
- "You will be cursed by the other generations -- and you will come to rule over them". Rule over who? How often does Jesus say someone will 'rule over' people?
- "Secret account".. why do no other Gospels require 'secret accounts', when indeed many of them WERE secrets? Maybe because Judas was special?!
- "Look, you have been told everything. Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. The star that leads the way is your star." Not all stars lead to God. Have you followed Alec Baldwin lately?
- "You will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me." Yes, Judas WAS special..

Still haven't seen any of the 'good news' that would qualify this as Gospel.

Instead the initial quotes shared lead me to believe that it is the same old story offered to Adam in the Garden..

Behr Whitewash said...

Another interesting perspective..."