Sunday, October 29, 2017


Autumn has come to Pennsylvania, her trees shedding their leaves, hesitantly at first then with renewed enthusiasm. They remember the routine, and the sooner the leaves are gone, the sooner they get to sleep. Still, this has been a longer Fall, the warmer weather encouraging them to to hang in there a little while longer.

Sudden storms arrive, unexpectedly. I checked the weather report diligently, but nobody is perfect, least among them weather "experts". I put the periscope up and soldiered home, grateful that the road was highway, avoiding those sodden leaves that spell peril for riders.

You may have noticed the PINK socks, there. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I was asked by the American Cancer Society to participate in their Real Men Wear Pink Campaign. It's a way for men to get into the fight, and, as an eleven-year cancer survivor, I am proud to do it. You can read my story by CLICKING HERE.


"Take the back roads instead of the highways."
-- Minnie Pearl

Cheesin' at the top of King's Gap Nature Center. 

The road to get there isn't so bad, either. 

Dappled sunlight and no shortage of beauty. 

Scenes from a Summer Commute

Pennsylvania and her back roads are simply unparalleled.

I love stopping and visiting the local streams. You never know what you're going to see - Hawks, trout, kingfishers, deer, raccoons, snakes, or, in this case, a blue heron...