Monday, November 03, 2008


Pumpkin Chase!
I realized I never posted race results. Little Fish and I ran The Great Pumpkin Chase Mile in 9.45. Less than ten minutes for Little Fish = AWESOME! This was out first official race together and I had a great time.

Little Fish made out like a bandit at the raffle after the race. She won a stuffed pumpkin and a bunch of other stuff. I just waited and waited, then finally got called, scoring the one thing I wanted: and extra Pumpkin Chase Shirt (I think they're nice).

The 'Rents
Went home to see my parents this weekend. I am happy to say Mom is doing well. She just keeps on kicking, which is good.

We were coming out of the restaurant, all five of us, and my mom and dad were holding hands. I thought it was cool that they still do that after more than 40 years together.

Yeah, I am still sick. Ankle is FINALLY starting to feel better, but the cold has kicked up to full strength. Home today with TheraFlu and a warm blanket. Other than that, there's not much to but rest and wait it out. I do feel better than yesterday, which is something.

1 comment:

Fishmagic said...

Hope you're feeling better, and congrats on the big race.

I'm looking for a 5K to run with Kyler.