Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I had my two year checkup this week with my urologist. It's hard to believe that I was diagnosed with cancer more than two years ago. So far, everything is great. I also visited the dermatologist last week and he removed two spots and "as a precaution" is getting them biopsied.

If I pass the two year milestone, I get to go down to once a year checkups. The rest of the tests are scheduled for Thursday morning, so I'll probably know where all of this stands next week. They've been slow in the past with tests, so it may be a little longer.

One of the things about testicular cancer is that it is very unlikely to come back. So I have that going for me, which is nice...

A reminder--October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Check 'em out.


Maryogim said...

great news!

Lisa said...

I'll toast to clean tests! Oh, and to breast cancer awareness month- Save the Tatas!